The FITT Principle

The FITT abbreviation stands for frequency, intensity, time and type. These four factors are best thought of as a set of guidelines that you can follow to achieve the best results from your workouts. Often these factors are used in relation to low to moderate exercise training levels and can help particularly with cardio and…


Benefits of Water Exercise

What crosses your mind when you think of the swimming pool? I bet screaming children having fun, or grey-haired ladies treading water comes to mind. But did you know that water exercise is a great workout for all ages, of all sizes too? Below you will find a list of reasons why you should include…


Latest Eating and Dietary Trends for 2021

Let’s face it, 2020 (and now parts of 2021) was the year that brought the whole world crashing down, and with it, our routine and our motivation paid the price. But here’s to 2021. May we create better routines and better lifestyle decisions that will well and truly kick 2020 into the past. As an…


Choosing the Right Workout Clothes

Never mind fancy labels or the latest fashions: The best workout clothes are designed to make working out as comfortable as possible. Wearing the right workout clothes can help you stay comfortable and cool during exercise.


Aqua Fitness Instructor Certification Course: March 14-15, 2020

The Moruya War Memorial Swimming Centre is hosting the Aqua Fitness Instructor Certification Course on the weekend Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th March 2020. This weekend is aimed at delivering the below listed competencies. Instruct Water Based Fitness Activities Instruct Aquatic Sessions for Specific Population Groups Instruct Water Familiarisation, Buoyancy and Mobility Skills Basic Water…


How to Exercise Safely

Here’s why you should bookend each workout with a warm-up and a cool-down, plus other exercise safety tips. Your fitness level depends on getting regular exercise, but how you approach an exercise program will determine whether it enhances your well-being or actually causes a problem, the exact opposite of your intention. Push yourself too hard…


Exercise and Fitness Glossary

How knowledgeable are you about fitness and exercise? Learn the definitions of fitness terms. If you’re going to walk the walk of regular workouts, you also need to talk the talk. Get started by becoming familiar with some of the basic terms of fitness and exercise.


Fitness Centre (Gym) Etiquette 101

When working out at a health club or gym, keep in mind some basic rules of common courtesy. You may be in your exercise zone when you’re running, stepping, or pumping iron at the gym, but remember that you’re sharing equipment and space with others, which means good manners are mandatory. At the Health Club:…
